
Reimagine Adult Justice

In July 2021, the Reimagine Adult Justice (RAJ) initiative was launched by the Public Protection Committee (PPC), under the leadership of Supervisor Richard Valle, District 2, Alameda County Board of Supervisors. Project Manager Wendy Still, former Alameda County Chief Probation Officer, was recruited by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to lead this effort. Its objective is to build on progressive justice programs within Alameda County that are designed to support re-entry, reduce recidivism, prevent victimization, and reduce our reliance on incarceration.

These objectives will be accomplished through an analysis of responses to the following 12 elements/questions.

12 Elements of RAJ

  1. How does the new model address and achieve reductions of racial disparities in the Alameda County justice system? 
  2. What are the arrest rates in each police jurisdiction in Alameda County? 
  3. What new health and funding related opportunities exist to transform Alameda County’s justice model?
  4. How can the Sheriff’s Oversight Body and/or an Office of the Inspector General be designed into the new RAJ model?
  5. How can the pretrial program be permanently established and expanded to reduce the jail population. An assessment of Alameda County’s pretrial hold rate should be conducted as a part of this analysis.
  6. What is the actual cost impact to Alameda County of the contract to house federal inmates?
  7. Should Alameda County’s federal contract at Santa Rita Jail be terminated?
  8. What opportunities exist to reduce the Alameda County’s Jail populations and costs?
  9.  What information does the existing jail population analysis provide to assist in the RAJ effort?
  10. Can investments in RAJ efforts mitigate or eliminate the need to increase jail staffing and jail capital expenditures? How does the current jail litigation impact the alternatives?
  11. What jail data is currently available that can assist in this project’s analysis of alternatives and existing populations. An analysis of the jail data should be conducted to determine its sufficiency.
  12. What are the outcomes of the existing programs in the jail? Can additional investments in jail programming and re-entry result in decreased costs? Part of the cost benefit analysis should include a literature review of correctional program opportunities and the anticipated return on investment for any suggested new or program modifications. 

Public Protection, Justice & Health Collaborative


On January 3, 2022, Supervisor Richard Valle, District 2, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, hosted a meeting with justice and health partners in which he spoke to the need to align and coordinate four existing Alameda County service areas and initiatives for the justice and re-entry population, under one governance structure. He directed that the individuals responsible for leading each of these efforts to collaborate on a proposed structure in which to align these initiatives in a way that focuses on data and leverages existing systems. Supervisor Valle spoke of the need for this team to identify and utilize state and federal funding opportunities to help fill gaps in county services, to include services that focus on justice involved individuals with behavioral and physical health issues.

Service Area, Initiatives & Charter

In response, the Public Protection, Justice & Health Collaborative (PPJHC) was established. The Executive Governance Body (EGC) of the PPJHC consists of those individuals responsible for executing each of the four service areas/initiatives, as outlined in the tabs below and the charter.

Scope of Work & Functional Roles

Although the scope of work for each service area and initiative is specific to each effort, many subordinate objectives and tasks within each are complementary to each other, and therefore, intersect and/or impact the other. As such, the EGC will be responsible for working together to:

1. Identify and leverage data resources

2. Align and coordinate existing initiatives/systems

3. Assess existing gaps and opportunities for the expansion of services

4. Leverage state and federal funding opportunities

5. Eliminate duplication of effort and barriers to success for the justice-involved population

6. Create a seamless service delivery model through the refinement of the existing systems

7. Review, approve and produce progress reports, on an as needed basis, to the Community Corrections Partnership Executive Committee, Public Protection Committee and the Alameda County Board of Supervisors

Each initiative is “stand alone” from the standpoint that issues, objectives and/or workplans associated with each will not be subject to approval or modification by the Governance Executive Body. Rather, the lead for initiative, will be responsible for resolving internal issues and making decisions impacting their initiatives within their existing structure.

Description: The ultimate goal of RAJ is to assess and inventory current existing justice related diversion programs, and identify gaps and opportunities that will reduce a reliance on incarceration. The objectives associated with this initiative will be accomplished through 12 elements that will explore areas related to mental health, behavioral health, pretrial, re-entry services and programs associated with those in-custody and in the community, and the potential establishment of civilian oversight of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department.

PPJHC Member: Wendy Still, Special Advisor to the Public Protection Committee, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 2

Description: Alameda County’s CalAIM initiative strives to leverage local, state and federal funding opportunities in an effort to align services to support the re-entry population with serious behavioral challenges and those experiencing homelessness.

PPJHC Member: Scott Coffin, Chief Executive Officer, Alameda Alliance for Health

Description: This initiative calls for the just and equitable transformation of criminal justice, behavioral health, and wraparound services in an effort to reduce the number of individuals in the Santa Rita Jail with mental illness, substance use, and co-occurring disorders.

PPJHC Member: Dr. Karyn Tribble, Director, Alameda County Behavioral health Care Services

Description: This service area focuses on improving access to housing, mental, and physical health services for the justice-involved population. It includes three distinct, but complementary programs:

  1. Alameda County Health Care for the Homeless, a federally-funded health center program focused on improving the health of individuals who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless by ensuring access to culturally-informed, whole-person health care and housing services;
  2. Health Program of Alameda County provides healthcare for low income individuals who are uninsured, to include the justice-involved population; and
  3. Health Measure Pilot Program which expands access to healthcare services to formerly incarcerated populations through pre-release, post-release and wraparound services.

PPJHC Member: Dr. Kathleen Clanon, Agency Medical Director,  Alameda County Health Care Services

Meeting Information

Upcoming Meetings

7/25/24 Public Protection Committee Meeting

This month’s agenda will feature 1) Updates on Reimagine Adult Justice Recommendation #34 and Proposal for Phase 2 of Pre-Trial Services Expansion, and 2) a presentation on Juvenile Justice in Alameda County – Prevention, Intervention, and Services.

9/17/24 Regular Board of Supervisors Meeting

On Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at the Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting, there will be the first reading and introduction of the ordinance to implement Assembly Bill (AB) 1185, which establishes the County of Alameda Sheriff Oversight Board, the Office of Inspector General, and the Inspector General. 

The regular meeting is scheduled to begin at 9:30 AM and the topic is listed as Item 94 as a 1:00 PM set matter on the agenda.


Previous Meetings

6/18/24 Regular Board of Supervisors Meeting
3/23/24 Public Protection Committee Meeting
2/22/24 Public Protection Committee Meeting
1/25/24 Public Protection Committee Meeting
10/31/23 Regular Board of Supervisors Meeting
  • The Board of Supervisors will receive a presentation on the completed and final Reimagine Adult Justice Report
  • Meeting Agenda
  • Item #46 is a Set Matter at 2 p.m. and will not be heard before that time. Presentation can be reviewed here.
9/7/23 Special Public Protection Committee Meeting
  • Public Protection Committee will receive a presentation on the comprehensive Reimagine Adult Justice Report
  • Meeting Agenda
7/18/23 Board of Supervisors Work Session
6/22/2023 Public Protection Committee Meeting
5/23/23 Board of Supervisors Work Session
May 19, 2022 Public Protection Committee Meeting
April 28, 2022 Public Protection Committee Meeting
April 25, 2022 Joint Health & Public Protection Committee Meeting
October 14, 2021 Public Protection Committee Meeting
September 27, 2021 Joint Health & Public Protection Committee Meeting

Community Corrections Partnership Executive Committee (CCPEC) Meetings

May 15, 2022 CCPEC Meeting
January 24, 2022 CCPEC Meeting
November 14, 2021 CCPEC Meeting
October 19, 2021 Special CCPEC Meeting
July 19, 2021 CCPEC Meeting

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